A humurous tribute to our two furballs Mango and Moomee...sisters!
Iz controllinz yourz brainz....feedz me...feedz me!
Youz finally up...aboutz time!
My turnz nowz.
Iz ahere to helpz youz with thatz ebayz listingz...
Cat for salez...startingz auction...25 kittyz treatz perz days.
Iz heardz that Moomeez...
Iz ain't for salez....Mangoz haz pridez ya knowz! Fifty at least!
Whatz! No wayz! I amz not doingz that song...Singinz Inz the Rainz!
Diz herez iz a mathmaticalz puzzles to keepz yourz brainz active :-)
Iz dunz nowz....nappyz timez. Turnz the lightz out onz the wayz out!
More Moomee and Mango shenanigans: