I know that we can never really forget about ra because it is there like the very heart that keeps us going. But I do try really hard to forget about my ra. And one of my favorite places I like to go when I am able is a local hideaway here in my hometown. I can't help but smile when I am here...
This lovely little gem is our county's arboretum. Here I am taken away by the beauty of a cultivated haven, kept safe by master gardeners trained at this very spot.
Every season offers a variety of bursting colors, smells, and natural beauty that reminds me of just how blessed I truly am on this earth.
And every corner offers a different garden...should one wish to replicate it in their own backyard. I say...just move me here instead!
In addition to a water garden, a Japanese garden, Children's garden, and ability garden there is a breathtaking rose garden. But this beauty only blooms once per year.
And even though I come here to get away from it all, I am still reminded of the beast that lurks within. This serpent has become my mascot of sorts for my personal ra. He is always hiding but if you look closely you will see him at every turn.
And although there is a lovely paved walkway that weaves in and near each garden, if one is brave you can get off the beaten path if you wish.
This little gem is one of my favorite flowers! And yes, I do have these in my backyard at home as well.
For me, bridges remind me of my accomplishments. There is just something comforting and inviting when I see such a beauty. I can't help but want to crossover it and get to the other side.
And yes, for the weary they have built in many rest stops along the way.
If you are lucky enough to have an arboretum in your neck of the woods, I highly recommend you pack a picnic and head on over. You may just be surprised at the many wonders that lurk within. Happy trails!
OKz...letz me getz thiz straightz. Yuz getz toz goez toz thiz loveliez place, whiltz I stays homez in my holez? Ohz heckz noz! Youz willz payz dearlyz tonightz!