Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bad Blogger!

Yup that's me! I have been away for awhile in the real world.  Part of my absence has been due to traveling and some due to lack of wanting to write.  I think that blogging can become like having a chronic illness.  At times we just want to run away from it all and pretend like nothing is wrong. Pretend that everything is perfect and we are normal like the rest of the world. But sadly that just isn't the case.

I know I have arrived at a crossroads.  A crossroads with many intersecting conflicts brewing inside, many thoughts to wade through until I come up with resolutions.  Partly I know that some of this is due to my chronic illnesses and partly I know it is also just due to life.  Even healthy normal people go through these conflicts and this is good to know.

What will I do?  I am not so sure right now and this is partly the reason I have been avoiding blogging.  I needed some time to step away from things for awhile, time to just try and live without thinking about chronic illness.

Was I successful?  Well, one never really escapes chronic illness and I know you know this if you are reading this blog.  It will always be there lurking somewhere and although we may try to push it aside for awhile, it is still in the shadows of our lives.  But for a period of time I did at times forget I was chronically ill. And no, the pain did not just evaporate but because I was able to immerse myself in a different place, a different paradigm, I did get away from it all.

Even if just for awhile.

Thank you for your support during this time and thank you for your patience.
Iffinz uz thinkz I wuz outz of de spotlitz furz iz kiddinz yurselfz! Iz iz backz! Seez whatz uz beenz missinz!