They arrived in a white round bucket screaming and hollering in my son's SUV. He found them abandoned at a foreclosed property that he was inspecting. And as most kids do, he brought them home. Except this kid is 30!
I called everywhere to source a rescue agency. We have several wonderful ones here in my hometown but none are accepting kittens right now. is spring. Need I say more! They are full of kittens that need adoption.
What to do? What to do? I called out of my area, in the area that the kitties were found and did find a Humane Society that was a low kill shelter. Mmmmmm....what does low kill mean? Well, from what I could find out, they only killed sick kitties. Luck would have it (or Murphy's law) one of the kitties was sick with conjunctivitis. Should I take the chance? Would they put this little weebie one down? There are no guarantees and personally I just don't trust that they wouldn't.
But I have ra and just getting up in the morning can be a problem. Am I really up for this? My family are not rescue lovers and if I took on this project I would be on my own pretty much.
Their eyes called to me...meow! Meow! MEOW! SAVE US!
The Crazy RA Cat Lady is born!
More epic adventures of her trials and tribulations to follow...
Im a crazy ra animal saver.. You can do it a cat is better then narcotics keep them indoors get them fixed your life will change forever..
LOL! I have two grown already but agree that they are just wonderful additions to anyone's life.
I would never have been able to turn away three little kittens, either! How adorable :) I occasionally think about adding another to our menagerie, but like you, think that the ones we have are enough! (Yellow lab, cat that rules the house, and 2 parakeets) Have fun!
Hey Crazy Cat Lady, congratulations on your new project. It will be hard, but the rewards will be great. Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures.
The Lady in have a house full and I am sure they are sooo loved. I am hoping to find permanent homes for them thru an adoption agency here. I take them this Sat for their deworming and then not sure how it proceeds after that. I hope this agency works out and I can get them permanent loving homes. They have become so cute. I have two big kitties already. One has been upset with the wee ones here.
Cathy...Yes, it is harder then I thought. So far so good. I have added an extra nap in the afternoon. This reminds me of being a new Mom. I am "working" on their schedule now. Hopefully in a few weeks time...hoping max a month I can get them adopted. Keep lots of positive thoughts out there for me and for them. They are soooo cute!
As a crazy RA cat lady myself from the tender age of 1...I have to say that my three cats give me something to get up for and I get the utmost enjoyment from taking care of them. I swear they all know I am ill most days and they rest against afflicted joints. They give me so much happiness and since I can't have kids because of my RA and my fiance's AS....well, they are the closest thing I will have for kids. I wish you the best and keeping them is the best thing! Good luck!
AlotheA...I am going to foster the weebies in the hopes of finding them a forever home. I am hoping that an agency here will help me do this and help me to adopt them out. I am hoping anyway that it will all work out. It has become exhausting for me but everytime I look into those little eyes, I dig down deeper and somehow manage to feed them, wipe them down, and slowly clean out their area. They are just about 5-6 weeks. Probably closer to five this week. I love the two grown ones we have now. But I dare not adopt anymore as at some point we might have to rent down the road and renting only allows 2 animals per apartment. That is an entirely different story.
So adorable! I adopted my Boys when they were already a year old, so I never got to see them as tiny, wee ones. More pics, when you can! (I am living vicariously through you, lol!)
Elisabeth...trying to get pics of them is a real challenge for me and my ra hands. They are quick now like lightening and can scoot away from me. And my camera doesn't have a great shutter speed either. But I will do my best...I promise. Keep your thoughts crossed for me, I may have found a no kill agency here that may take them to foster in another home. I am hoping this happens as my ra is flaring horrific right now with all the work. But you can be sure...I will not abandoned them if this doesn't come to fruition. I just hope it does.
I so want a kitty. We have 3 dogs, had a 4th, a black lab who was 10 yrs old. She passed away the day after Christmas. The remaining three are silly. There is an old lady in the group, an 11 yr old min pin who is SO FAT. A 2 yr old Jack Russel-Dachshund mix. Funny dog. Tried to wrestle with a snake today. Glad I wasn't outside to see it. I have an intense hatred of snakes. Then a 2 yr old Pomeranian-Chihuahua mix. Long haired. Adorable lil guy. Only 5 or 6 lbs.
I told hubby there is less of a chance a snake would have been around if we had a kitty. I just want a kitty. I miss the one we had before I went into the hosp.
Waynette...I sooo agree about snakes! Ewwww! It sounds like you have lots of four legged love and I am sure that in time you may just get that kitty you so want. They sure do make great purring heating pads.
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